18th April 2020. I have been at home now for 5weeks or so, and counting. Death count this morning is 14,576. It was never a joke.
In the UK, 70% of deaths among health and social care workers are from an ethnic minority. Despite only accounting for 13% of the population in England and Wales, 44% of all NHS doctors and 24% of nurses are from BME background.

2020 is the year of the nurse
What is going on?. A formal review has been launched. It will look into why people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are disproportionately affected by coronavirus.
Some reasons comsidered for this high death rate include:
• High % of BAME work on the frontline services. E.g healthcare, social care, other essential key services etc.
• genetic predisposition to conditions such as diabetes and renal failure.
• Vit D Deficiency has recently been linked to the survival rate.
Health and well-being
Health and well being is important right now. We pray to God for protection. We will live to see the end of this pandemic.
All that said and done, practical things you can do to help yourself survive this lockdown in your tropical climate. I have given the following tips to my sisters in Kenya and Nigeria. Tips include:
• Pray and reflect in your present environment.
• Follow government guidelines on how to stay safe in your country.

Follow guidelines on keeping safe
• Find a new routine at home.
• Try and get the children to a routine and structure.

My daughter celebrating her 16th birthday on 16th April 2020
• Get rid of the attitude, disbelief, stubbornness, defiance…. all these will not help you now.
• Get some vit D – follow local health advice.
• Boost your immune system by eating right. I have a recipe I blend and drink. I also give to my children. It’s made of orange, lemon, ginger, honey, turmeric. You may add garlic if you wish.
• Boost your immune by exercising daily at home for 30mins or more. I go for an hour walk 4 days a week. And I have my personal trainer 2 days a week (zoom). But there are so many exercises you can do in your bedroom with out anyone seeing you. Let me know if you need tips.
• Lockdown your home. Reduce traffic of people coming into your home. It not only reduces the risk of infection, it reduces the risk of being a victim of organised crime especially at this time of unrest. I know this means lying off people who need the money. So because I am still working and getting paid, I still pay them as I would. However they are on a break from coming to me. Let them stay in their own place abeg.
• Find a hobby. As you know my hobbies before Covid19 were blogging/vlogging & sewing. These hobbies have come in very handy in my new way of life.

Sewing my own masks
• Sanatise/wash anything you bring/buy into your home from now on. Its tedious, but worth it at the end remember that the virus stays a long time on plastic.
• Sanatise your home yourself (part of exercise). Once you have reduced the traffic of people. And you are sure no new person is coming. Then do a quick spring clean. Using soapy water with a bit of disinfectant and bleach (depends on surface). Concentrate on the areas/surfaces that people are likely to touch. E.g light switches, door handles, tables, chairs etc.
• Work from home if you can. I am fortunate that I can. It takes my mind away from the reality to an extent.

Create a work station at home… if you can
• Relax your mind. Do some mindfulness exercises. The problem is many of us have been programmed to stress and anxiety. And stress and anxiety reduces our immune system.
• Do an online course if you can. I have signed up to a course next week. This is the best time to take exams.

I have no distractions
Adjust yourself to a new way if life and stay safe.