My equipment today
I had my second personal training (PT) this morning (Sunday 29th March 2020). Delivered via Zoom. My personal trainer and I were both in our individual living rooms jumping up and down and breathing heavily. The latter part being mainly my sound 🤣🤣.

Zoom media
I decided to stick to my PT package especially now, more than ever because I am determined to keep physically and mentally fit during this period of social distancing, anxiety, eating, drinking and sleeping. I feel it’s the social distancing and isolation that’s the deal breaker here. Everything else remains the same.

Seeing that my movement has been drastically reduced, it would be of benefit to me to add another exercise class mid-week, in addition to my weekly 1:1 sessions and the 5k morning walks I try to do as often as possible. I just need to keep moving while sitting still.
All this walking and jumping sessions sounds a bit much but it’s not really. Because once I’ve come back from my morning walk, or completed my exercise that’s it for the next 24hours. All that’s left is 3-4 square meals and copious amount of liquids until my next movement the following day.
Check out NHS website (every mind matters) for further support around mental health

Every mind matters